Friday, October 03, 2008

Random Picture Night

Last night I went out with a friend and I decided it was random picture night!

Here are the pics that were caught on film:
I will say it's time for a new camera!

Uh, yeah, so this is a picture of the police dude that directs traffic outside of work.
*I did NOT take this picture!

This guy was reading the "Here you are" map at the Boardwalk.Displaced swan- he was swimming with a bunch of ducks.
Leafy grass things that looked cool and made an awesome noise in the wind.
You can rent chess/checkerboards!
That brings up an interesting point, I'd like to relearn chess!
Bridge out!
Guy singing outside a restaurant.
There was some kinda bird animal. Can you see it?
So every picture that I take of myself ends up making me look like a bright white globe! I am paste-y white, but I didn't know I was this white! I also just love how my eyelashes are the only thing that can be seen on my face! I nearly blinded myself with this picture!
Nice ambiance:

Other notes of interest:
  • I traded in my PT Cruiser for a Ford Escape-- LOVE IT! I still have problems turning.
  • Yesterday morning I wacked myself in the head with my car door. Unfortunately, I know have a knot on the top of my forehead.
  • I'm back to school! My new classes began on Wednesday.
  • The weather had been gorgeous; beautiful during the day, cool at night.
  • I'll be heading back home in 4 weeks- October 31st I'll be leaving...
.....on a jet plane.....

Can't wait to see everyone again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How is school going? I can't wait for you to come home so we can get together. See you soon.